My original intention with producing the Newsletter was to have a way of sharing any new information, photos or articles that had recently surfaced and that could be later inserted into the main website as appropriate. I am delighted that I have subsequently been able to collate and generate enough content to issue the Newsletters on a quarterly basis. Initially, I took the decision to issue the Newsletters to interested parties via the e-mail request facility and latterly, as more of these issues have been produced, the earlier ones have now been placed on the website for individual download by any visitor to the site. As the new issues are released to the subscribers the previous issue will be uploaded to the archive area for general release and download. I would like to continue this, so that anyone who has previously requested to receive the Newsletters via e-mail will continue to get the very latest news via ‘subscription’ and the earlier Newsletters will be available for download via the website. If you are new to the site, sufficiently interested and would like to receive the latest Newsletters as they are produced, do please send me an e-mail request and I will add you to the growing subscriber list.
The Newsletter content in the main, is composed of hopefully interesting new articles on any aspect of Wrenn 152 from it’s years in production that are discovered and balanced with any news from today’s collectors and enthusiasts as well as any developments from within the current marketplace. So you can now download the archived Newsletter issues by simply clicking on the selected issue opposite.