Wrenn had a number of marketing items printed to advertise and promote their new slot racing system. Whilst they had a number of promotional Leaflets produced (see the separate section for these) they also had some marketing collaterals printed including showcards and small card advertising banners. As mentioned elsewhere, for international markets the local country importers had the responsibility of producing the relevant foreign language versions of these if they were required.
A promotional folder has been seen which was simply printed in Blue on a piece of folded Cream paper which had the flap stapled, forming a pocket This was designed to contain the initial Wrenn 152 launch leaflet and was intended to be given out at exhibitions and also in model shops. This folder was probably short-lived and only available during the early launch period of Wrenn Formula 152.
Showcards were a standard marketing tool used in the 1960’s and were intended to be used at the point-of-sale. Four different showcards have now been discovered and would have been supplied for use in model shop windows, on the shop counters and some were taken to exhibitions and toy fairs. Those seen are all colour printed cards with an angled card spine glued to the back which allows the cards to sit on a flat surface leaning backwards at an angle to retain some stability. The largest one seen is 9.25″ x 12.5″ whilst the smallest is 5.5″ x 8.75″. The latter one seems to have been produced to promote the expansion into the International Markets since it states ‘Wins World Acclaim’ and includes a number of foreign language texts and with accompanying foreign country flags. These were obviously ideal to promote Wrenn Formula 152 at International Toy Fairs. In fact a photo is in existence from the Nuremburg Toy Fair, which shows examples of all the different showcards on the Wrenn exhibition stand.
Wrenn produced a number of small, colour-printed, cardboard banners. These White cardboard banners were 18⅞” x 3½”, they were printed on one side in three colours, Turquoise, Yellow & Red. Then they were folded horizontally to allow them to stand up on a surface. The ‘face’ design had the usual Cooper logo, this time with the racing background, to the left hand side with the Cooper being over-printed Red. Then there was ‘WRENN formula 152’, with ‘WRENN’ being printed in Yellow, the ‘formula’ text being left White, the ‘152’ was Yellow and then finally the ‘FOR REALISTIC MODEL MOTOR RACING’ text was printed in Red. These were used at exhibitions and also probably sent out to local toy and model shops as well to further enhance Wrenn’s presence. There are two period photos in existence, from different exhibitions, which show a number of these banners placed on the exhibition stands. Finally there was another use for the Banner that has been seen. The miniature Display Layouts which Wrenn made available for their dealer’s model and toy shops, includes one of these banners. It has been stapled together so that the two stainless steel rods can support it above the Trackside Pit and the Grandstand Flags.
In two letters to the Trade, during 1963, Wrenn mentioned that they were going to be producing some other Marketing items for the dealers. These included shelf edging and window stickers but as yet, this can’t be confirmed with any examples being seen or photographed and no further mention of these has been found in any other later correspondence.